Sunday, March 29, 2009


Day 3 - Spent all day cleaning house or apartment. However you want to say it. It was pretty sad because I couldn't find my awesome sun glasses from Day 2. But not as sad as what happened on Day 9.

Day 4- That was a fun day. The reason we look so tired in the picture is because it's 2 in the morning. EPIC DAY! It was awesome. Had some friends over, watched some movies, ate lots of candy, good talk over pizza. It was about time I had some friends over....first time actually. I really wanted to do it before I moved and it was a sucess haha. check it out on youtube --->

Day 6- We skipped a day. Day 5 is a bit of a blur to me (lack of sleep) and I completely forgot to take a picture. So I'll make it up to you guys by going at this for a day longer. Anyways, This is my favorite. On Day 6, I was able to photograph a Lost Voices promo Concert. Lost Voices is a benefit for incarcerated boys. They teach them how to let out their emotions via writing ---> They do some really great work with the kids. Plus I love me some folk music. ok moving on....

Day 8: yes i skipped another one. I'm not making an excuse; I just forgot. Day 8 was a fun day. I got to go to youth group. Which honestly is the best day of the week for me. I look a bit frazzled in the picture. I got a bit overwhelmed halfway through the night and that's really hard to shake off. Even hours later... Oh bc I skipped Day 7, I will be doing this project 2 more days longer.

Day 9: yikes. I was tired. Let's just leave it at that. But oh yes I like em bunkbeds and you can see the corner of cardboard sign that says "Jesus was homeless."

Day 10: I like some water. You can't tell but my hair was curly in this picture.

Day 11: I'm gasping at all the stuff I have to do. On the TV: The Wedding Planner. My hair's curly again in this picture.

Day 12: And we to the present. Finally. I'm tired. Not gonna say this was a bad day...but not gonna say this was a fun day. Looking forward to Day 13. Thanks for baring with me.

sorry if the pictures look a bit rough. had some issues with uploading.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Day 1 and 2: NAIL CLIPPERS!

I've decided to do a 2 week project. It involves me taking a picture of myself everyday. Oh the fun! I'm really happy with the way the first ones came out =)

That was Day 1. or yesterday. If this picture says anything to you it should go something like this: DEAR LORD!

And here's Day 2:
I am very very tired today. Late nights and early mornings tend to be like that. I made it through Districts for forensics. Mixed feelings about that. I have to say its nice to win something but I really wanted to be able to cross forensics off of my humongo list of things to do. But it looks like that's not gonna happen. So here's to winning! (that was sarcasm.)
I think my pictures really reflect how I felt these past two days. I'm feeling ever so slightly
O V E R W H E L M E D. Right now, today, it's come down to perseverance. If I can make it through the week then I'll be alright. So please. Excuse me if I get a bit a little scatter brained. I'm doing the best I can.
On a lighter note, I love these pictures. Especially the nail clippers under my arm in both of them haha.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Monday, March 9, 2009

Give Me Some of That Stuff

wow, I'm just not making sense today. I like Weezer but really honestly I am not on drugs. I am just really, really, tired. I feel like I'm walking through water. I did actually have one of those dreams this morning where its like "icantmoveican'tmove." (my dream thoughts run together like that.)

my day is starting to feel, well like amazingphil's bad day:

and also like this:

ok maybe not quite like that. but i can tell it will be tomorrow.

no seriously.

I got home this morning and the brownies were almost gone. Which of course is not a bad thing, but it does mean that we are almost out of brownies =O

Friday, March 6, 2009


I have the joy of giving a 7:00 minute speech tomorrow. (Why don't they spell peach like speech or vice versa? just wondering...) It's funny because this will be my 10th compitition yet everytime I enter the room (that only ever contains up to a happy number of 8 people give or take) I always feel somewhat like this...


or something along those lines. I've been told public speaking is the number one fear in America which I never really believed until I experienced Forensics and the MIFA. (If you're not familiar with either I'm not gonna bother explaining it because it's too complicated. But I don't want you to be left in the dark either so here educate yourself --->

I enjoy the writing of the speech and the making of the visual aids but shiver at the thought of actually giving it. It's not a happy feeling. But one thing I always liked about the competitions was being able to see the inside of a high school. Being homeschooled and all it tends to be an enlightening experience. The thing that I never quite understood where the motivational posters. I mean seriously does the school system make the teachers hang those up? .....I hope they do...

By the way, I'm considering going to public school next year. Though I don't know if I will go through with it considering I don't have all credits that a sophomore should have. BUT if I can swing it without being put back a grade then I think I might actually like it. Who knows really... They make you meet with counselors and take lots of tests and provide transcripts and all that other crap so I'm not sure it will be possible. And for the record it's not because I hate or even dislike homeschooling. I LOVE homeschooling with a big <3 class="blsp-spelling-error" id="SPELLING_ERROR_3">homeschooled to make friends. So I'm thinking that I would rather suffer through the public school system than have to go through that again. But really I do love homeschooling. And the government can go lick some ice. They don't tell me what to learn.

Anyways I have to go work on my speech. I'll tell you how it goes tomorrow.


That was written 2 days ago on Friday. The tournament went ok. There were six people in my category which was nice because that meant we all got a trophy. I got third which I'm not happy about. 3rd...out of 6...Not exactly impressive. So that was dissapointing. I have to say the best part of my day was defenitely when I got home and fixed me a big can of lentil soup (the pull tab worked this time).