Sunday, May 31, 2009

Saturday, May 30, 2009



the playlist is up and working. i probably enjoy it more than my followers haha.

i love project playlist, but its still very glitchey. so must keep an eye on it.

two blog posts in one day!


here's something i wrote awhile ago for my writers group prompt. we normally take prompts out of books or our fearless leader (mike) will make them up.
This time it was a video ------>

The man fell into the chair, sinking submissively. His mind drifted through the dim light of the room, leaving him alone with the warmth of his breath. His eyes shown for a moment and his body uplifted. His foot slid across the floor. His arms bristled. His body found no rythem. His lips cracked without words. But the chair called to him and his mind returned to him. With a sigh he fell, back into the chair and waved his youth "goodbye".

I don't write very long peices and my creative writing style is alot different than my blogging style. I played around with formatting on this one. This is the way I origanally wrote it, but i think it is better read in a way more like this:

But the chair called to him
And his mind returned to him
And with a sigh he fell
Back into the chair
And waved his youth

i almost like that way better because the breaks in the lines gives more room for interperatation, or at least in my opinion it does. i wrote this way back in september....if the dates on my notebook are correct. i think this summer i'll try and revisit this and hopefully add some length.

"Poetry is a way of taking life by the throat...and punching it in the face."

5 thingstingtingstings


i haven't given up on this blog. i am still here. so yes.

5 things on my mind right now, dr. pepper, chicago, moving, zambia, and the rest of the weekend.

1) Dr. Pepper. As in i have some right next to the computer. The problem is its not mine. Mine is upstairs. So h/o i'll brb.


2) Chicago. I'm going soon and I'm trying to tie up loose ends for the trip.

3) Moving! YUCK. This is always on my mind in some form or another. It's hard to believe that this is happening. Again. I haven't lived in one place for more than 3 years since before my mom remarried and i won't live in one place for that long till college....where i hope to live in chicago for awhile...till i move to A U S T R A L I A.

4) ZAMBIA---- The trip is coming closer and closer. I'll probably blink and be on the plane. Support is...average. So I'm told. I'm not particularly worried about it because if God wants me to go then he will provide. I'm just waiting.

5) The rest of the weekend. Yeah. Gotta figure that out.

....Does anyone else think fireflight sounds like barlow girl?